Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Letter to 3 Month Little.

Dear Ellery Kate,

   It seems like it was just yesterday that I was sitting, waiting in the pediatricians office at your 5 day check up, crying over the idea that time passes quickly and you would soon be just like the 3 month old sitting across from us. I felt silly, unable to control my tears, as I stared down at your 7 lb 2 oz self, wanting to somehow be different, and for time to pass us by slowly.

   With a blink of an eye you have transformed into something even more wonderful than I could have imagined in the waiting room that day. Your smiles, giggles, and coos are incredibly entertaining, and your daddy and I are enjoying trying to figure out what gets you to make those happy sounds consistently.

   You are at the stage of being a non-stop bubble blowing machine, which inevitably turns into a trail of drool running down your chin. You are about to outgrow your 3 month clothes and the newborn end of your bathtub. You've got rolls on your knees, elbows, wrists, and back - and everywhere else too. You're quite the chunkster.

  We've been attempting to try the 'attachment parenting' out on you, wearing you in the Ergo as much as possible, but that's really out of necessity rather than desire. You're at the point where you're really interested in what there is to see, so you'd rather be walked around the house non-stop than lay motionless on the floor (since you have still yet to figure out how to roll over.) Most of the time when we decide it is time for you to lay down and stretch, you wail for about 30 seconds as you get over the shock of not being held.

  You like to be held, but not snuggled. Your cuddle phase is disappearing quickly and it makes your daddy and me very sad. 

 We're both getting more sleep these days. Your bed time is around 8:15 most nights, after bath time, lotion, and pajamas. You occasionally wake up somewhere between then and 5am, and I have to put your pacifier back in to help you go back to sleep. But at 5am, you typically demand to be fed and then usually sleep until 8am or so...some mornings you're up at 6:30 or 7, smiling and giggling.

  You play with your hands and suck on your fingers all day long and are starting to bat at the toys hanging above you in your play gym. You have awesome head control and can track moving objects. You still loathe tummy time and let out the most pathetic cry when we force it on you. 

  We find you incredibly cute, which is really quite beneficial to you. There have been times when your cuteness may have been your only saving grace and the key factor in our decision to not drop you off at the nearest adoption agency. Well, that and the fact that we love you.  
   We love you beyond measure and are enjoying watching you grow! (Though, you do have our permission to slow it down a bit!)

Love upon love,


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