Monday, September 22, 2014


Justin and Ellery went to Lowes after dinner to get a few things for Justin to make Elam a small wheelchair. 

Tonight, while reading books before bed, we were talking with Ellery about her day.

Our conversation went something like this:

 Me: 'Where did you and daddy go this evening?'
Ellery: 'The store!' 
Me: 'For what?' 
Ellery: 'To make Elam some wheels' 
Justin: 'Do you know what he's going to do with wheels?'
Ellery: 'He will roll and roll and roll'
Justin: 'yes, that's the plan.'
Ellery: 'And he will pull my hair!'
Justin: 'yes, I suppose that will probably happen, too.' 

*Elam just loves to get his hands in those precious blonde locks of hers any chance he gets. And she's already having internal conflicts about his future mobility. 

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