Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Poor Vaccinated Baby.

Friday was not a fun day in the Tyson household.

It started off relatively pleasant with the baby waking for the first time around 5:30am after being put to bed about 9:30 pm (a big accomplishment that just started this week) and with smiles that warm the heart while changing the overly full morning diaper.

Putting our big girl, ready for the day, pretty clothes on went pretty smoothly as well. The ride, the two hour waiting room visit, and even her examination by the pediatrician went wonderfully. No crying, not even a frown.

The nurse held her, said she was beautiful, and carefully placed her on the scale to gather an accurate weight. Thirteen pounds. The weight that rivals most 4 month-ers - reminder, she's only two months! Even that was positive, it meant she's healthy.

And then.

The nurse walked out of the room for a brief second and returned with a needle and a squeeze tube. It was time for her first shots. She told me to lean in close and talk in my little naked baby's ear. While I was doing that, telling Ellery how beautiful she was, how it was going to be over soon, and that in the end she'd have a really cool cartoon character band-aid, Ellery let out a violent, heartbreaking scream.

She cried.

I cried.

And the nurse politely smiled and recommended I give Ellie some Tylenol when we get home.

As soon as the needle was out of her little leg, I swooped in, like the protective mother I am becoming, and snuggled her close as she nuzzled up close to my neck. She calmed down, but we didn't rush putting her clothes back on, and I took a moment to steal a few more hugs and kisses from my hurting baby.

She spent the rest of the day alternating fussing and sleeping. Not the Little we have gotten used to. It was hard to watch our poor, pathetic baby not feel good.

Needless to say, not many chores got accomplished that day. All that was on the agenda was to love on my Ellie.

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