Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Storms and Triumphs.

 I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.  
John 16:33

Weather sirens echoed throughout town, thunder rolled on for minutes at a time, and lightening illuminated the night. The past week has been like this. Storm warnings, tornado watches, and rain. A whole lot of rain.  It was all enough to make me a little nervous. 

But, although the clouds still hang overhead, parting slowly, the rain is gone. The birds are chirping outside my window, as if signaling that it is safe to come out again. Come out and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us more vibrantly than before. 

As the rose blooms captivate my senses as I walk onto our porch, I am embraced in a wonderful feeling of spring. The crisp morning puts my nervousness to rest, and I am calm and joyful.

After reading my sister-in-law's latest blog post, I am reminded of how similar the weather is to our personal lives.  We  all have struggles; some that seem stronger and mightier than anything else we have in us. 

Thankfully we have One who is greater than our struggles. One who provides peace and comfort when our plan and His plan do not align. 

I often have to remind myself, to everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven.* When we lose focus and get caught up in our daily desires, it can be discouraging when we don't get our way. But remembering that God's plan is bigger and better than anything we could begin to imagine is enough. More than enough for my weary heart. Isn't faith a beautiful thing? Isn't God amazing?

*Ecclesiastes 3:1

1 comment:

Emily said...

AMEN to that! And thank you for your prayers on my behalf recently. God is so good! I've been richly blessed with incredible sisters-in-law! Love you!

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