Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hooray!!! Justin's Back!

You would have thought that between classes, clinicals, and planning a wedding I wouldn't have time to miss Justin. And to tell the truth, the two weeks Justin was gone just so happened to be close to the busiest two weeks of the semester, maybe of my entire collegiate career. However, it appears that no matter how busy I am, I can always make time to miss my sweetie!

As most of you know, Justin arrived back in the States on Monday night. We all well aware of how accident-prone he is, so I let out a sigh of relief when he called and told me he had finally landed in Atlanta! Thanks to Emily and Eric, Justin arrived back from Brazil safely!

I know this had to be somewhat of a challenge for them considering:
  •  Justin almost got beat up by a Parrot! (I guess I can find some distant relatives in Brazil after all! ;) )

  • The enormous amount of caimans in the Pantanal! (I guess it does have to be mentioned that caimans won't even eat the capybara (the largest living rodent in the world) that come around. They just look too much like alligators for my liking!

  • Georgie, Justin's horse, was supposedly the wildest one out of the bunch. The tour guide told Justin not to ride in the middle of the pack or else Georgie would start kicking and biting the horses around him. Justin looks mighty protected with the cute little helmet he is wearing, don't you agree? :)
I am glad he made it back, and now I must live in envy of all of the beautiful things he saw and got to do--For example:
Gabs and the Giant Snail on a beach in Rio de Janeiro!

School of fish in Lagoa Azul at Ilha Grande

Another awesome fish at Lagoa Azul. (This picture looks like it came straight out of National Geographic!)

Piranha Fishing!

Piranha's mouth!

Chasing an Anteater!

Gruta de Lago Azul (Blue Lake Cave) at Bonito

But the one thing I miss that I will get to see SOON :) is my future brother- and sister-in-law and their beautiful daughter, Gabriela!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I guess now you do have some idea how difficult it was to make sure my brother made it back in one piece . . . Do you know what you're signing up for? hehe

Thanks for the shout out! We're excited to see you in December and can't wait for May to get here!!! I told Justin that we are happy to help anyway y'all want us to between now and the big day - I make a great grunt laborer! ;)

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