Monday, April 11, 2011

Our Humble Abode

I already blogged about this, I know, however Justin and I are still very excited about the adventures that are in store for us in Mississippi. Everything seems to be falling perfectly into place, even if we are 9 hours apart and our closing date kept us on edge.  The day finally arrived and we were able to move our tiiiiny little twin bed, a dresser, and a fraction of Justin's workshop into our house.

Over lunch last week, Justin and I were discussing our poor excuse for furniture with his boss, not really complaining, just explaining, when he unexpectedly offered to give us a queen bed and mattress that he had in storage. Free queen bed? Sure, we'll take it! So, our house is looking slightly less pathetic while it waits for all of our other furniture, that currently resides in N. Augusta, to come accompany it. :)

Here are a few more pictures of the house!

First item on our to-do list after closing:
Take down the FOR SALE sign!

Look at the roses!

Side porch.
Front porch.
Part of the backyard.


Bathroom ceiling.

One of the two bathrooms.

One of 3 bedrooms.

Old fashion door bell.

All of the door knobs and locks in the house are antiques.
They're all different! 

The countdown has begun. After spending a week with my lovie, it was harder returning to an empty house than I originally thought it would be. Only 8 more weeks of work left until I'm with honey all the time. Time will fly.


Kit said...

I LOVE it!!! Your home is Beautiful! I know ya'll are going to be so happy :)

Gregory Hosack said...

Wow! Nice house! Rose bushes are awesome.

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