Monday, May 23, 2011


Love grows in so many ways. Over the course of a year it has many opportunities to blossom and expand more than anyone can imagine. As Justin and I celebrate our one year anniversary and reflect on a years worth of marriage, fun, friendship, change, and celebrations, we come to the realization that love does not remain stagnant, love does not remain the same. It changes with time. It changes with every hardship, with every kiss, and every conversation.

As we venture through our daily routine of trying to act like grown-ups, paying bills, and working our grown-up jobs, our love seems to transform before our eyes, although it is not spectacularly noticeable until we look back.

When Justin proposed I though my heart already held as much love as it ever possibly could. Then our wedding day proved that I was capable of so much more.

After our relaxing anniversary weekend in Birmingham, we discovered that even living in separate states doesn't have to hinder the love that two people share for each other. With all my heart, I love my husband. Let's see how big my heart can expand in a lifetime of marriage.

1 comment:

Justin said...

I love you, sweetheart!

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