Monday, March 7, 2011

Escaping to the City.

We're not city people, really, but we've got to admit, we do find pleasure and relaxation in staying on the 56th floor of the Peachtree Plaza with a view like this:

Since last weekend was, well, our last weekend before Justin leaves to begin his new job in Mississippi, we decided to make a short getaway to Atlanta. It's always hard to relax and focus on each other when we stay at home on the weekends because there's always so much to do around the house. So, off we went for two luxurious nights in the second-tallest hotel in the western hemisphere.

Our agenda for the weekend consisted of doing...nothing. Mostly. We did wander about a mile down International Boulevard to see the Georgia Aquarium, but it was lunchtime when we got there, so we first stopped for a bite at Johnny Rocket's diner. We were both very impressed with the aquarium, but it was packed full, so we only stayed for an hour and a half. Later that night, Justin treated me to my first churrascaria, or Brazilian steakhouse, where we ate ourselves sick on filet mignon, sirloin, bacon-wrapped chicken, sausage, and all other manner of heart attack-inducing goodness.

On Sunday, we slept in as late as we possibly could before making our way back to North Augusta. It was a lazy, renewing, just-what-we-needed weekend :)

Our personal tabletop jukebox

I had miniature hotdogs for lunch and couldn't resist a picture!

Weedy sea dragon

Lionfish. Roar.

The saucer magnolias we just starting to bloom!

One of the most impressive displays of pansies we'd ever seen (with our hotel in the background).

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