Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Precious Mothers.

The adorable daddy-to-be!

    There's nothing else like 'em! Mothers, that is. My dear mother is so thoughtful all the time, but recently she has been even more generous than even before. I guess that's what becoming a grandmother does to you. She's already been shopping and dreaming and anticipating Little's arrival, so it isn't any wonder that she couldn't resist the urge to purchase at least a couple of those adorably tempting night time garments that will look just precious on Little.

Grandma's going to keep us dressed in style, Kiddo!
    A package adorned our front porch yesterday with a few goodies from home. Something for all three of us- Justin, Little and Me.  My eyes got bigger with every item I pulled out: Two maternity dresses, a newborn outfit for a girl and a boy (the package was sent before we knew Little's gender), a box of Cracker Jacks, a HUGE recipe book, and a card for Justin.
Justin's first Father's Day card!
 With something for all of us, I was so excited. This was a delightful and well thought-out surprise. Thank you, momma!

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