Friday, September 16, 2011

Pregnancy: Week 31

Two months to Little. 

  Yesterday marked exactly two months until my estimated due date, November 15. Which leaves me thinking: How prepared are we to have a baby? I mean, I've read close to a million magazines and books from cover to cover trying to absorb as much advice as possible, Googled every thought that has half way crossed my mind, and freaked out over every big and small thing imaginable ever since we found out, but when it comes down to it I feel just as clueless as when I started. 

  Researching everything from shots to swaddling, cloth diapering to genetic screenings, colic to kegels - it's all a bit overwhelming. And to be honest, all I feel like doing is photocopying the highlighted pages in all of these baby books and posting them to the walls around the house for quick reference in my time of need. (If I frame the articles it wouldn't look quite so tacky, would it?)
  Anyway, I guess I'm trying to say: it's crunch time. My baby knowledge absorption needs to be kicked into high gear, and quick.  

  As of Tuesday (which is when I was technically 31 weeks) I had gained 12 lbs. My blood test to determine iron levels came back perfect, and my fundal measurement is right on target. I have not yet been plagued with swelling of any kind, but fatigue and frequent restroom breaks have once again entered my daily routine.

  Little is putting all of her weight behind her kicks and squirms now. Her breathtaking movements can be seen from across the room as my belly shakes from side to side as she practices her dancing (I think she's secretly trying to choreograph her Aunt Brii's Christmas Concert. :) ) 

  My short torso leaves a very small amount of room for Little to get comfortable without it feeling as if she's trying to bust her way out through my belly button. When this happens I simply try to calmly persuade her into staying in mommy's incubator just a couple more months, as it would be best for her survival that way.  I think we've already tried to bribe her with lots of hugs and kisses, and maybe even a horse, if she would kindly quit leaving bruises on my ribs. She still causes aches and pains, but she will still receive a million of those hugs and kisses we've promised, just don't tell her that yet. :)  

  Nine weeks to go. 

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hey Casie! I debated leaving a comment since you and I have never met but I decided that since your husband is like a brother that I never had, maybe you wont think me to be too much of a creeper!

I have enjoyed keeping up with you and Justin thru your blog and maybe one day we can meet up since my husband has lots of family in Hattiesburg! Anyway, I had to laugh at your thoughts of pasting all the info you have read to the walls around the house! That's actually a fabulous idea, LoL!

I just want to give you some encouraging words. You are going to be amazed at how much your natural motherly instict will kick in when that precious darling is placed in your arms. From what I know about Justin and just the little bit I feel like I know about you, I feel certain you two are going to make the best parents!! Oh and I have 4 year old twins and a 3 month old and it took the birth of my 3 month old before I really felt like I was old enough to be a parent. And I still wonder if I really know what I am doing most of the time! God bless!

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