Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Walk in the Woods {via Pictures}

At 7 months pregnant, the most hiking I was willing to endure in the thinner air of the high altitude mountains of Colorado was a mere 3.6 mile trek up to beautiful waterfalls lined by quaking aspens and Engelmann spruces. Sadly the sound of the rushing water awoke my bladder and made the hike back down the mountain a little more grueling than the adventure up. All in all, it was relaxing and enjoyable as it was quite different from the Appalachian trails with which we have grown familiar. 

Enjoy the walk with us:


(We do always seem to feature hungry critters after we picnic on a hike, don't we?) 

We started the day off early with our hike, so we still had plenty of time to explore other parts of the park and relax as we saw fit. The next part of our day consisted of finding a secluded spot to hang our hammocks and resting a bit while enjoying the unique sounds of nature. Once we were up for more exploring we hopped in our Kia Soul (that, for the majority of the trip, we cleverly named "The Soul Train") and headed for the west side of the park.

We ventured to Milner Pass, the spot of the continental divide...

And then headed into Estes Park for the night to invade a restaurant for the next three hours as we cheered on the Georgia Bulldogs and enjoyed the first not-cooked-over-a-campfire meal of our trip.

Beautiful day.

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