Monday, January 10, 2011

Happy Monday!

Since Justin is in the tree business and all, he can't help but judge a tree the first time he sees it. Well, we happen to have a beautiful oak tree in our backyard that Justin has deemed worthy enough for a rope swing. So, a couple months ago, Justin shimmied up the tree (with proper equipment, of course) and hung two ropes from one of the largest branches. Those ropes just hung there without much purpose until yesterday afternoon. We'd been meaning to bring back a board or two from Clayton to make a seat out of, but we kept forgetting. While Justin was cleaning out our shed yesterday he found some pieces of wood that would work perfectly for finishing our backyard project.

There is just something about a swing that take us back to our childhood-or at least those childhood feelings. We had fun just swinging about without a care in the world. I couldn't push Justin as high as he wanted to go, so I resorted to spinning him. 

The first time I spun him the noises and the faces he was making made me laugh so hard I had to run inside and get the video camera. This video is the second time the swing has been wound as tight as it can go. After watching the video, Justin said, "It looks like it is going slow, but it surely felt a lot faster!!"

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