Thursday, February 3, 2011


  I feel deprived, really. I was never given the opportunity to pay $4 (or $2 if I made honor roll that quarter) to stay after school for 2.5 hours in a hot, smelly gym listening to blaring rap music and Justin Bieber.  I guess this scenario really sounds more appealing when you throw the words "School Dance" in the mix - or maybe not. Depending on your perspective. Students and Teachers have different opinions about these things, guaranteed.

  The students have been pumped all week about the dance!!! I've heard, *in a just-gone-through-puberty tone* "Mrs. Tyson, you gunna be at tha dance?" and *in a slightly higher and squeakier voice* "How much does it cost?" and "What should I wear?" and my personal favorite (from my nerdiest student), "Will I get to slow dance with a girl?"  (Justin would like to mention that you, the reader, are unfortunate to be deprived of my rendition of the students' voices.)

   The joy of middle school. Right after school today, they students transformed into party animals. Some girls ran to the bathroom to put on layers of make-up, and a few guys even changed into nicer polo shirts.  As I sat there and watched, I was honestly shocked by how many of my students said, "Hi", waved, and introduced me to their friends.

    It was intresting to watch the students who seem like lemmings to me as they file through the hallways suddenly expressing individual personalities.  It was obvious to me who the goody-two-shoes were, the smarties, the shy ones, they sly ones, and the ones who would eventually grow up to work the corner.

   It really is fun being a middle school teacher. You're always entertained by something!  It was nice to see that every student seemed to have their group, their friends, and their place. Everyone was coming together and having fun. If only I was able to raise the roof or bust a move, it may have been a little more entertaining for me, as well.

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