Thursday, March 22, 2012

Because I'm Slack...

and do not clip my poor child's fingernails near as often as I should, she now has approximately a billion scratches on her face, and legs, and arms.

Poor Ellery.

They don't seem to bother her, but I'm sure strangers in the grocery store silently judge me. But those of you who have been in my shoes know that trying to clip infant fingernails should be a job left to someone specifically trained in the field and has practiced on moving itty-bitty manikins for an entire semester. It never fails, the tips of Ellery's fingers always get clipped along with her fingernails.A little bleeding and a whole lot of screaming later, I determine that I will stick to the barbaric way of doing things: biting them off. Easier and safer on my Little's fingers...

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