Friday, March 9, 2012

A Brownie for Breakfast Kind of Night.

I love babies!

I get giddy every time someone announces they are pregnant or posts a picture of their itty bitty newborn. I also love reading a good birth story and hearing baby names. 

 Sometimes I shed a happy tear. Sometimes I just grin from ear to ear. Either way it happens, my life is a little sweeter because of someone's little miracle.

This hasn't always been the case. Of course, I have always liked babies and thought of them as precious, but I didn't have a clue how much of a blessing they truly are until I had one of my own. 

As I watch my Ellie grow, looking more like a big girl every day, I already miss her itty-bitty-ness. I love this smiling, cooing, giggling when we sing stage that we are in, but there is something so magical about the love that is discovered and the family that is created in those first minutes, hours, and days after a new life is welcomed.

With all that said, it should be noted that the magic experienced in the early days is crucial to keep mommy sane on days like this one.

Admittedly, I treated myself to a brownie for breakfast this morning, because it was that kind of night.

My Little woke up around 2 AM and every 15 minutes thereafter. I tried patting her tummy, giving her the pacifier (over and over), unswaddling her, turning her on her belly, gas drops - everything I could think of without actually picking her up out of the crib.  When none of that worked, I tried nursing her. This helped her go to sleep, but she only stayed asleep 20 or so minutes before she was up fussing again.

I'm not sure what is going on with my little munchkin. This same scenario has occurred several times this week. I assume she's teething with the steady stream of drool that is constantly running down her chin and her frequent bouts of unhappiness.  Could that have something to do with my poor babies inability to sleep through the night?

I know I can't keep eating fattening desserts for breakfast to ease my tired soul, so I need your help, mommies! Have you experienced this? Do you have any suggestions on how to fix Ellie's restlessness? Any advice would will be received with a giant smile and a huge thank you!


Emily said...

I know we already talked about teething tablets...but have you heard about amber's pain-relieving properties? Lilian's amber necklace changed her entire teething demeanor after wearing it about 3 days. We don't take that thing off now except to bathe her! :) (In other ancedotal evidence, I bought Eric a big boy version amber necklace. He has gone from needing something for his headaches 5-7 days/week to just 1-2 times per week! He won't admit it's the "magic" amber (hahaha) and swears he only wears it to appease me...but the fact remains his headaches have improved incredibly!)

Amanda said...

I suggest giving her a little Infant Ibprofene when you put her down at night. I did it with Olivia when she went thru this at about this age and it helped settle her down or keep her down most times. Baby Orajel also helped O a lot but never did much for the twins. When all else fails, just phscyh yourself up for a long night and DON”T feel guilty about eating comfort food the next day :)

11-16 lbs: 1/2 teaspoon
17- lbs: 3/4 teaspoon

p.s. totally different from Em’s advice, LOL!!!!

Casie Parrott Tyson said...

Thank you, Ladies! I will try the ibuprofen and also try to order an amber necklace! :) I'll try anything at this point! I hate to see her nawing on her fingers and fussing so much.

Poor Justin, he hasn't quite gotten used to her crying for 'no reason' and said yesterday, "I sure hope she's teething and this isn't just her personality." :)

So thankful for you guys!

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