Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pregnancy: Week 21.

 I love every part of being pregnant. I love how my belly is beginning to become perfectly round. I love how Little's really starting to show her kung fu skills quite regularly and how my sweet husband is already so in love with her, too. Since the porch swing has been hung, we've been enjoying our evenings sitting and daydreaming and feeling for the thumps that indicate that Little may be hearing all of the big plans we have for her.

  This week, according to all of the baby articles I've read, Little should weigh almost 1 whole pound and measure 10.5 inches long - like a carrot :) I've gained approximately two pounds since my pre-pregnancy weigh-in but that doesn't keep me from needing everything maternity in the clothing department.

   Overall, I'm sleeping well - only waking up a few times at night to switch positions or use the bathroom. And my cravings as of recently include eggs, oranges, Special K, and oddly enough, sour cream. My favorite part of the past week has been seeing the look on my lovie's face when he spots me from the side and realizes the Little bump really is growing and that we are really having a baby. The realization has taken place at least weekly since I started to show. It's a glorious moment, always, as we continue to learn and grow, and make new realizations in preparing our home and family for a new wonderful addition.   

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