Sunday, August 28, 2011

Keeping up with the boys.

That's a hard task to accomplish when you're 6 and a half months pregnant. Since Justin's dad was in town, we wanted to show off the part of Mississippi we have grown to love so much - the Homochitto river. We borrowed 2 kayaks and a canoe, asked our friend Nick to join us and decided go on a little adventure.

It was 11 miles of twisty, shallow river with banks adorned with huge white sandbars on one side and steep bluff up to 40' high on the other. Our five hour trip included stops for swimming, exploring, and a not so graceful flip of the canoe that landed both Justin and me (accompanied by all of our stuff) in the water. I sulked for a while.

When we made it back, we were all exhausted and in dire need of a shower. Surrounded by beautiful scenery and good friends - how better to spend a day?



Justin said...

That is one fine looking paddle that Dad is holding in the last picture.

Tony said...

OK. For those who may be wondering... We were short one paddle for our kayaking trip, so on Friday evening Justin decided to just make one in his wood shop! He's pretty handy to have around!

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