Thursday, August 11, 2011

One Ingredient Ice Cream.

I've seen the recipes and I've read the reviews, looks easy enough and has great ratings, but one ingredient ice cream just sounds too good to be true, right? But after several unexplained, cannot resist cravings for ice cream, I felt it was time to find a healthier alternative, so I thought I'd give it a try!

This was the easiest recipe I've ever attempted. Made from just bananas, this stuff is amazing.

1) Peel bananas first.
2) Slice them into pieces.
3) Freeze pieces for 1.5-2 hours.
4) Bust out the blender and add frozen bananas.
5) Scrape the sides as necessary.
6) Blend, Blend, Blend!
7) Add your favorite candy, flavoring, or eat as is!

I added vanilla flavoring to mine, and it tasted just like vanilla soft serve! YUM! It really is amazing to watch frozen pieces of bananas transform into creamy, delicious ice cream! Enjoy!


1 comment:

Emily said...

Just made some, and it was super yummy! I added Ovaltine to make a chocolate banana flavor with extra vitamins and minerals. Gabriela thanks you for suggesting an ice cream recipe that I let her eat all she wants of. :)

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